Friday, April 12, 2013

Dont Give Up On Us

I am quickly learning that raising a child who is medically involved means dealing with rejection of a new sort. I was prepared that some people may choose not to be involved in our lives or that some kids (and even adults) may stare (or worse). i was notprepared that his medical team might throw up their hands and say, "We may never know." I was even less prepared to be told "We have done all we can. We will see you for his Well-Child in July, unless he is sick between now and then. You should contact his Neurologist for any follow-up concerning the breathing pauses." They had nothing to say about when to discontinue the breathing treatments or the apnea monitor.I left feeling utterly alone in this fight for my son. His Pediatrician is supposed to be the first line of defense, and they have basically washed their hands of us. Well, I won't be tossed out on my keister that easy.

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