Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Feeding Therapy & Other Nonsense

So, we met with our O.T who does feeding therapy. We talked some about what was advised to us at the Pediatric G.I. appointment. She also fed Silas some baby food, watched his mouth movements and examined his mouth. Like me, she felt feeding therapy unnecessary at this point. He is making progress without it, and while he may not be where they would like him to be from a G.I. standpoint, he is in no danger and is sustained well on his current diet. She encouraged me not to feel rushed and to continue enjoying our nursing relationship. One thing she did advise was to skip the sippy cup. From a developmental standpoint, they aren't required and are there simply for convenience for mom, and assurance the carpet won't end up being every shade of juice sold at the grocer.


- G.I. Follow-Up (May)
-Ped.12 Month Well-Check (August)
-Urologist Follow-Up (July)
-Neurologist 12 Month Check (July 27)
-Genetics workup (August)
-C.D.S.A. Progress EVAL

1 comment:

  1. Another win for the nursing mother!!!!! I'm so glad to hear it. Keep up the good work.
    Love y'all!
