Monday, February 11, 2013

A Week of Coughs, Colds, and Crud (from his caringbridge)

I realize I've not posted much in the last few days. Truth be told, I've not felt like it. All three of the kiddos and myself have been fighting the winter sickies. Silas of course has taken the worst of it. He is currently fighting pneumonia with Augmentin. If anyone knows how tough it is to get a baby to take medicine, just imagine how difficult it is to get a baby who has never had anything but mama's milk in his mouth to take nasty tasting, thick, chalky antibiotics. Oh, and did I mention he has a severe gag reflex and spits it all back at me? Yah, it's THAT fun!

So what's on the books for this week, you ask? Well we have our evaluation with the Child Developmental Services Agency on Wednesday, provided we are feeling well enough to go. And I think that's the gist of it, though we have a few impromptu visits with the Pediatrician to monitor his pneumonia and breathing.

So, that's what we are up to right now. Silas hit a new milestone this week: I caught him flexing his left fit and LOOKING at it. Simple, and yet progress. Beautiful, unadulterated progress. He started noticing his hands around 4 months old. I keep waiting for him to lift them towards me and smile, signaling he wants to be picked up. He hasn't done it yet, but I keep hoping he will soon... it was one of the sweetest milestones the girls ever reached, that and the first time they told me they loved me rank at the top of my favorite milestones list.

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