Monday, April 8, 2013

Why Concrete Answers Matter

When your child has a breathing episode, the last thing you think of is what you need to take to the hospital. The first and most consuming thought is making it there in time. Once you are there, the goal is single-purposed: find out why it happened and how to prevent or treat it.

The Doc was just in. Silas' EEG confirms NO seizure activity, even during the breating spells. His blood and urine culture are clean after 24 hours. Waiting to hear on the spinal fluid culture yet. So far, we have NO IDEA what set off the fever or the cyanosis and apneic breathing spells. He hasn't had any since yesterday afternoon. There was mention of 'the earliest we could send you home might be tomorrow.'

I am THRILLED Silas is doing better, but I DONT want to leave here without knowing what to expect, without answers as to whether this will happen again.

While driving to the hospital, I had both eyes on the road and both ears on the sound of my son's breathing. When we got stopped at a railroad crossing, I had 911 on the phone explaining the situation. I was seconds away from an ambulance ride when the crossing opened and cars started moving. The whole way there I kept talking to silas, willing him 'BREATHE!' and counting the seconds between breaths. When we pulled upto the ER I literally RAN in with my son and said to the nurse "my son is having breathing difficulty." Only once he was in a room and being taken care of did i stop to breathe and think about what had happened.

So, YES concrete answers matter, especially in a situation like this. Please keep praying that God give the Doctor and Nurse taking care of Silas pieces to the puzzle, wisdom in their investigation, and even if needed more episodes in our current controlled environment to analyze in order to figure out the cause.

I come against any confusion, hiddenness, and attempts of the enemy to keep us in disarray and speak conclusive, revealed medical proof of what is and had occurred. We stand on faith that this will be brought to LIGHT so that it can be dealt with AT THE ROOT CAUSE. In jesus name, amen.


  1. Praying everyday for Silas, for you, for your family! I pray you find the answers you seek and I pray that god gives you the strength to keep going and I pray Silas has the strength to keep fighting!

    1. thank you so much! we sincerely appreciate the prayers. he is a sweet little boy, and we are so proud of him. :)

  2. Praying for all of you. It is so scary to go through that kind of situation and then be left not knowing what caused it. Praying for answers and peace. You are z strong woman and by His stripes we are healed!

    1. thanks kelly :) i have been so grateful for the peace i have in all this. i know God is working. I just cant see it yet.
